
Repeating scenarios...

Do you find you are often in the same scenario over and over?

You constantly talk about how the same thing happens over and over?

You readily say how it 'always happens to me'?

Well, this is not by chance. You are CREATING the situation over and over, a few different ways.

First, you are affirming that 'this always happens to me' thus broadcasting that vibration to the Universe over and over. Remember, what you ask for, the Universe delivers!

If you start listening to yourself you will start to see patterns.

For instance, are you often sick? If so, odds are you affirm it frequently...
  • "I always get sick."
  • "I catch everything my kids bring home"
  • "I go to the store once and I have a new bug"
  • "Every year I get sick during the holiday season."

For instance, are you often in pain? If so, odds are you affirm it frequently...

  • "I get a headache EVERY month beofore my period."
  • "I can't go anwhere without getting hurt."
  • "You just can't take me anywhere."
  • "I get bad cramps every month."

For instance, are you always tight on funds? If so, odds are you affirm it frequetly...

  • "I'm never going to have enough money."
  • "I always have more bills than money."
  • "I'll always be in debt."
  • "I'm broke."

Do you see the pattern here? When you say negative things you tend to attract them into your experience. Most people don't realize they are doing this until they slow down, stop and listen.

Here is a true example. Very recently a close family member was going out desert riding with us. Before we left the house her husband said 'where will you guys be going?' - her response 'trauma'. She was in the E.R. within 2 hours because she flipped an ATV, tore ligaments and hyper-extended her hip.

Now here is how it can work the other way! My husband ALWAYS gets front row parking, wherever we go! I always pondered this in the past before I knew about LOA. Once I started paying attention, I realized every time we went somewhere he'd say 'one front row spot coming up' and sure thing, he got one. He has an unwavering 'knowing' that his spot will be there for him and it IS - EVERY SINGLE TIME - even on Christmas Eve at the mall!

Remember - be careful what you ask for! Thoughts are THINGS!

Try changing HOW you think and see what transpires. Harness the gifts that the Universe gives you, once you realize the Universe IS giving you what you are asking for because you are getting all the things you don't WANT but are constantly affirming, try changing WHAT you are affirming and you could be in for a pleasant surprise!

Some say...

...well I DO try to think positive but the bad still happens. Well this is because your belief is not strong enough. This means it's easier for you to believe you'll always be poor than it is for you to believe that you'll be rich. That is the bridge you have to cross. You have to KNOW in your heart that all the bills will be paid. You see if you KNOW you can't pay the bills you won't be able to. You literally have to have that same 'knowing' when you believe you WILL be able to pay the bills with extra cash left over! Practice makes perfect! Start small and work your way up!

The Universe Says "You get what you get, don't throw a fit, because you're the one who created IT. If you say you're sick, you will be. If you say you're in pain, you will be. If you say you're poor, you will be. If you say you'll get a front row spot, you'll get it. Choose thoughts carefully!"


Speaking of the Universe