
You Must Align YOU with YOU...

In order to Manifest your Desires, you must first align YOU with YOU.

If you are in a place of mis-alignment, how can you possibly attract what you are seeking?

Say you are seeking a new love, you feel that a new love will make you complete. You will attract an incomplete love for you are coming from a place of incomplete-ness.

You must first love yourself wholly in order to attract a person who is whole and loving, in order to manifest the person you really want.

This goes for any area of your life. If you wish to attract money, you must come from a place of allowance, deservance, desire and positive thought.

For if you focus upon your lack of money, The Universe will deliver to you the focus of your thoughts 'lack of money'. The Law of Attraction is a curious thing, and it is precise and literal.

Always remember the phrase 'you get what you ask for' and also 'thoughts are things, choose the good ones' and of course 'if you resist, it will persist'.

The Universe Says 'Focus on what you DO want without shedding any light on what you do NOT want in order to manifest your desires. Most importantly, align YOU with YOU before any of the above will happen on a fruitful and consistent basis...'

Speaking of the Universe...


Dizzy DNA

Feeling Dizzy?

Is it YOU or is it your be-ing? I was feeling a bit 'off', however I knew it was spiritual and not physical. Well, perhaps the spiritual manifesting in the physical!

So I came across an amazing post about energy shifts and vortexes, I am not sure the exact source of the information posted so I am sharing it without the author. If anyone knows who wrote this, please let me know so I may properly acknowledge!

As we begin to re-align with our very new spaces, some themes can be ever present. This time, physical symptoms are more prevalent than what may be manifesting in our outside realities, but this is only because we are aligning and settling in, and this phase needs to come first.

On August 11th, as happens frequently on 11 dates, we opened more fully to the new and higher vibrations that we will now be residing within. Through the gates of this 11 portal, came an immense amount of energy. The most common reaction was rapid heartbeat. Our hearts need to adjust to this higher vibrating energy, and as it vibrates higher than we are accustomed to, we can become overloaded with these new frequencies and our physical bodies begin to go into overdrive trying to accommodate them.

We may feel as though we are hyperventilating as well. Feeling jittery and agitated are symptoms that also follow. Physically, we are revving up from the energies, and symptoms that result are similar to physical symptoms of anxiety, stress, panic, and the like, so our bodies tend to tell our brains that something is indeed going on and may interpret this as anxiety and fear or stress, when we are actually just processing higher energy.

During this time around the 11th, other strange symptoms could be felt as well. Feeling as if one has been “drugged,” wading through quicksand, exhaustion, and a heaviness can be experienced, as the density within us is congregating before it moves out. An inability to concentrate, focus, or sit still also occurs when we are being bombarded by higher energy, as we opened to the higher frequencies of late through the portal of the 11th.

These energies are attempting to align us to something we have not yet experienced. Because anything that vibrates lower cannot exist in a higher vibrating reality, it then gets pushed out. Thus, diarrhea, frequent trips to the bathroom, and a general feeling of hunger can also be present, as we feel we need more fuel than normal for this re-alignment, even if we do not consciously know why.

Then comes the old familiar upper back pain. We are continuously sprouting our new angel wings, and the area between our shoulder blades and lower neck can at certain times feel very painful, with no logical explanation. The energy there is pulsating and moving outward, readying to explode in the formation of a higher vibrating aspect and vehicle for our upward spiritual movement and expansion.

Intermittently, we can also feel malaise as well. Perhaps knowing we need to accomplish certain things, but finding that we just cannot muster up the energy to do them. Thus, we may get up to start something, and almost immediately find that we plop ourselves down on the sofa, with a strong sense of apathy or most assuredly, we just plain do not feel like doing a thing!

Wandering around like a zombie, with no real sense of direction, and with an inability to remotely find a thing that seems to fit, we are simply adjusting to the new energies of our new space. And we may feel a bit woozy as well. States of apathy always indicate a re-booting phase in regard to ascension. We have been “unplugged,” while we are being re-aligned before we can move forward once again. And this is occurring now.

After these interesting phases, we then move into one of my favorites, which is the merkabah experience. I love this experience, as it always validates for me that something is absolutely and most assuredly going on in regard to moving into a new space.

The merkabah experience manifests as spinning or vertigo, and is many times accompanied by nausea. Our merkabah light bodies are spinning in order to assist us in arriving in a higher vibrational space. They are the vehicles that get us where we need to be. Our dreams (in our sleeping state, not our desires), are assisting as well.

We may find that we are having strange dreams, or even nightmares during this time. We are releasing our fears. Just another aspect of preparing for our new spaces on the ascension ladder.

Then, there are the wonderful states of grace that seem to be continual and most ever permanent these days. If we allow ourselves to simply sit and be, we can feel them almost 24/7 (when we are not spinning or having rapid heartbeats!). When out in the “other world,” we may find that our interactions with others now come from a very loving state, instead of the mortification we may have felt in times past with lower vibrating energies.

The loving nod to a stranger, a loving comment, or even a statement of gratitude, can serve to connect us to those who are ready to receive this new highly vibrating and loving energy that we now possess.

And as mentioned in the WINGS post for August 7, if we are in positions of creating anything new that will be a part of our new reality on the other side, anyone who is a needed part of these creations, will easily tap into the higher vibrating energies that they possess and will be instantly transformed and swept up in them, thus creating human angels for our assistance. We are indeed being supported in some very new and special ways.

This atmosphere of grace, gratitude, and love for all mankind, will continue on, as it will be a mainstay for our new residency and experiences as angels of the new earth. So then, when we visit the old world for brief periods of time, this will be our natural state of being. Staying in the old world for lengthy periods of time can be much trickier, as the darkness and density there can be suffocating at times.

But now that we have reached very new levels, the old world and reality indeed feel so very far away, and most assuredly, they belong to someone and to somewhere else, as we are no longer connected to them in any way. If you are one who has been feeling lost without a rudder, that you are connected to nothing at the moment, and unsure of your new path, know that things will become clear in times to come.

These feelings are sure indicators that you have left all your suitcases behind and are indeed ready for the new reality. As we begin to see each other, to connect to each other, and to support each other more and more, our very new reality will begin to take shape. If you are one who feels very stuck in the old world, with commitments still holding you back and responsibilities that you feel you must stay with, this can be challenging at times.

Many will choose to simply walk away, no matter what the cost (I am not proposing that you do this, as these will indeed be individual decisions). We must indeed move forward if we are now aligned for a very new reality, even if our old spaces have yet to be filled.

The “plan” did not manifest as was hoped, as so many are still unwilling to wake up and make internal and external changes, but this will no longer hold us back. Again, as mentioned in greater detail in the previous WINGS post of August 7, connecting to one another will create a magnificent new grid, will uphold and sustain the higher energies, and make us feel great once again. This is the key.

The higher energies will be sustained through ourselves. Ways of successfully staying removed from the old world, while interacting with lower vibrating energies that we choose to, are also discussed in great detail in Heaven’s Gate as well. So even though it may seem as if nothing is occurring at the moment, or that we are still not moving forward, we are indeed re-calibrating within, re-aligning within, and most assuredly re-structuring ourselves and our new offerings as well. As the re-structuring of the new rungs of the ascension ladder has now been complete, these higher energies have now trickled down to us in the physical, and have then created these symptoms mentioned here, as well as a need to re-structure much of our new offerings and how we will be offering them.

We are re-structuring now to a large degree, much that exists in our physical world. We are beginning to put things into place that will serve to support our new spaces and new roles and offerings. And much of this involves a new group energy, as we can no longer exist as individuals and on our own. Group energy vibrates higher, and the individual functioning on its own is no longer an option. Part of the ascension process involves a requirement of not being afraid to be alone. In this way, we were placed into situations where we had to be alone, in order to have this experience.

After this experience is completed, we then move into group energy. This is because we cannot move into group energy from a fear of being alone. We have to move into group energy from the higher vibrating need and knowingness that each component is necessary in order to comprise a whole.

We cannot wear all the hats and do everything ourselves. We have reached the end of the spectrum with this, and this is why many of the forerunners are absolutely exhausted from doing it all themselves, and most certainly very tired of the loneliness, as they have been complete with this process and ready for group for a while now. This format of being alone and doing it all ourselves will no longer be present…EVER AGAIN.

So again, although it may feel at times as though nothing is happening at the moment, I can assure you that things are indeed happening. And just wait and see how things feel when we begin our new connections to each other!

>> I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope someone knows the answer as I'd love to read more from this person!

The Universe Says "Feeling Dizzy, it may be a shift to a higher vibration!"

Speaking of the Universe


Though I know it's true...

...I am amazed every time.

You get exactly what you think about. Exactly what you ask for. No matter what it is...

Act lightly with your actions.

Choose lightly with your choices.

Speak lightly with your words.

Think lightly with your thoughts.

The Universe Says "If you think it, it will come, so you better be prepared!"

In other words, focus on your desired result. Don't focus on what you DON'T want. Focus on allowing and manifesting what you DO want.

Speaking of the Universe


If you think it, it will happen...

Thoughts are things.
Thoughts are things.
Thoughts are things.

So I had an inventory night coming up for one of my merchandising jobs. I was not overly thrilled about having to be there at ten o'clock in the evening for at least an hour, knowing I'd not even be home until after midnight. Way after my bedtime. I kept bantering on about how I did not want to go.

Well last night, I guess more mid-morning in the early AM wee hours I woke up ill. Stomach distress to say the least.

It seems my thoughts created a way not to go to my inventory by creating an illness. Now it really stinks in more ways than one as I feel ill, my stomach is in bubbles and knots and I slept half the day with the chills. BUT the Universe provided exactly what I was focusing on.

The Universe Says "Be careful what you think, thoughts are things and the Universe provides what you ask for. One way or another..."

So always remember, whether you think positive or negative, the Universe will provide what you ask for. One way or another...


Speaking of the Universe


Consumed by the Self

Sometimes people are consumed by themselves. It is a battle of the ego, and they feel the world is out to get them and they ponder things like...

  • "Why does that person not like me?"
    "That person is talking about me, I know it..."
    "That person is judging me."

Now if you look at those three statements you will realize that the person who says them is falling victim to exactly the things they accuse someone else of. The person does not like the person they are speaking about, they talk about the person to other people, and by assuming the person is judging them, they in fact are judging the other person.

They may attempt to convince themselves that they do indeed like the person and are indeed nice to that person. However the truth is within and the ego holds a grudge putting up a wall. The grudge will not go away until one can 'let go' of animocity...

It is not ever external. By thinking someone does not like you, are are emitting an energy and you create exactly that of which you speak. The key to peace and harmony is to look within and be happy within, no matter what others like, say or judge. The ego is a tricky thing, by saying you are happy no matter what others like, say or judge is not the same as actually be-ing happy no matter what tohers like, say or judge...

Always remember, when you are looking in from the outside, you really are looking in a mirror. If you stand in front of a mirror, what do you see? You see yourself.

So the next time you take time to assume, stop, and make your assumptions in front of a mirror. Then you know what you need to work on within...

The Universe Says "What you notice around you, is a reflection of what is within you. See anger, darkness and hatred and that is what your mirror is showing too... Two halves make a whole and if you see someone different than yourself and not as another Spiritual Be-ing, having a human experience. Then you are not seeing yourself as a Spiritual Be-ing, having a human experience. You are separating the self. To be whole, see everyone as equals and harmony will manifest in your life."


Speaking of the Universe

Thorn Bushes Have Roses...


The Law of Attraction attracts that which you focus your energy on, be it good things, or, be it bad things. If you are focusing on those things you need, and you allow them to flow to you, you can manifest them. Also, if you focus on those things you do not want, those too, can manifest as you are focusing attention on those things.

Here is an example...

Today I was trimming some dead thorny branches off of a quickly growing rose bush. So, I had a pile of dead thorny branches. I was gingerly picking up the branches, for I had no gloves on, and I was being grateful for the blessing that 'thorn bushes are adorned with roses..' and for a moment, just a mere fraction of time I thought to myself 'oh man if the dogs came flying around the corner this could be a bad thing...'

Literally seconds later, the dogs came whirring around the corner, knocking me off balance and I landed palm first into the pile of trimmed branches. I let out quite a painful 'ouuuuuch!' and quickly shot a glare at the dogs. Only to stop myself and started rolling on the ground laughing, while tears of pain filled my eyes, because I got exactly what I was focusing on. And, it near record time.

I took this as a lesson that indeed the Universe is listening, and delivering. It is so important to refine our thinking. It seems so effortless and simple to manifest the 'bad' and the 'painful' yet why is it we have trouble manifesting the abundance and prosperity? Allowance. We simply don't allow these things to flow to us.

So today the Universe showed me with big flashing lights that it is here and ready to serve. I simply need to fine tune my thought processes and allow. (also being careful not to focus thoughts on that which I don't want!)

The Universe Says "careful what you ask for!"

Speaking of the Universe


The Power of BE-ing

How lightly do you take that word? Being...

Do you think of, "oh he is being silly", "she is just being herself"...

It's just a word we used in our daily language, or is it?

Let's take it up a step, now think 'human being'. We throw this term around so loosely, I'm a human being. We define human being as a 'thing'.

Well, yes, and no.

When it comes to the English language, we are indeed human beings, BUT define being.

Look at it deeper...

To 'be'. What is to 'be'? We just 'are' right? So BE-ing, is the action of thriving as Spiritual creatures in physical bodies. We are be-ing.

Pretty profound isn't it? A whole new meaning is awakened within the word 'be-ing' isn't it?

You are a human, be-ing.

I can 'be'. Be what? Just BE. "I don't get it... " you are thinking, no? Well, be-ing is just to 'be'.

Think about this one awhile :) It's very enlightening once you 'get it'!

The Universe Says "I think therefore I am, or I am, therefore I think. Now just BE already!"

Speaking of the Universe


The Illusion of FEAR

We all know the feeling, the heart racing, stomach turning, pale faced, sweaty palmed emotion that just makes us feel 'yuck'....

BUT we all don't realize that FEAR is an illusion. Fear is created by thought.

How can the feeling of fear be created by thought you may wonder? Well, think about it. Say for instance there is a horrific accident, the moment you see it, your instinct kicks in and you just 'do' what you need to do. You feel no fear, until you think. This is when the be-ing within separates from mind, you slip out of the now, the present mindedness of be-ing, and allow the separate mind to take over the thought process.

Almost as if stepping outside your body and watching your body do it's own thing. At the precise moment you start analyzing a situation and thinking about all the 'what ifs' you get that feeling of fear.

Fear is ONLY felt when we re-live the past. i.e. resurfacing a memory from yesterdays far away, and playing the video clip over in our minds. Feeling the pains again and projecting those pains into the future thinking 'what if it happens again'....

Fear is ONLY felt when we try to live in the future. Only IF I do this. Only WHEN I do that. Oh my lanta, something like that could happen to ME. You are building a false image of what 'might be' but it has not even happened yet, and in that false imagery, you are actually 'feeling' fear of something that is not even happening NOW.

When you are 100% present, 100% NOW there physically is NO way to experience FEAR.

How to get into the NOW? We'll cover that in the next post...

In the meantime, The Universe Says...

"Living in the now, inhibits the possibility of fear. Stay present, live now, let the past be passed, and let the future happen when it is within the now."

Create it!

Speaking of the Universe