
Instinct is a 6th sense...

Do you sometimes 'feel' like something is right - or wrong?

Do you sometimes have a strong 'urge' to do something?

Do you sometimes think about someone then *ring* they call?

These are all your ties to the Universe - they key to the Universe is harnessing the power within.

We ALL have connection to the Universe, because we ARE the Universe. We are masses of spinning energy. Thoughts, are energy.

Next time you ask the Universe a question, pay attention.

What do I mean by that? When you say 'WHY ME? WHY does this keep happening to ME?" The answer will be given, you just have to pay attention...

The Universe says "instinct is your inner 'knowing' listen to yourself to find the answers"

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe

When you feel life is not going your way...

...take a moment to trust the day!

When you feel stressed, take a moment to remove yourself from thought and get into the 'now'. Focus on breathing, in - out, in - out, in - out.

Give thanks for the good in your life and redirect your focus. Get to a feeling of 'feeling good'.

When 'stress' creeps in again, practice 'focus'. Stress is a sign of paying attention to what you 'don't have' created by feelings of needing, desire or lacking.

The Universe Says "When you catch yourself thinking about what you don't have, you are attracting just that. Start focusing on what you DO have and what you WILL have, and you will start attracting just that."

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


Law of Attraction in Action...

Ever notice when you starting thinking about something, it happens?

You want to go someplace for dinner and then you get a coupon in the mail...

You wonder how an old friend is doing and then the phone rings with them on the other end...

You really want something and all of a sudden you get it as a gift...

That's the Law of Attraction in Action...

The Univere Says "Thoughts are things...choose the good ones!"

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


Practice what you preach...

...if you teach the Law of Attraction - you must live it.

Positive attracts positive.

Negative attracts negative.

Ask and thou shalt receive (whether it be good or bad)

Set goals, and BELIEVE.

Do you feel you lack? You will be lacking...

Do you feel grateful? You will be gifted...

The Univere Says "If you dream it, it will come..."

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe