
The Power of BE-ing

How lightly do you take that word? Being...

Do you think of, "oh he is being silly", "she is just being herself"...

It's just a word we used in our daily language, or is it?

Let's take it up a step, now think 'human being'. We throw this term around so loosely, I'm a human being. We define human being as a 'thing'.

Well, yes, and no.

When it comes to the English language, we are indeed human beings, BUT define being.

Look at it deeper...

To 'be'. What is to 'be'? We just 'are' right? So BE-ing, is the action of thriving as Spiritual creatures in physical bodies. We are be-ing.

Pretty profound isn't it? A whole new meaning is awakened within the word 'be-ing' isn't it?

You are a human, be-ing.

I can 'be'. Be what? Just BE. "I don't get it... " you are thinking, no? Well, be-ing is just to 'be'.

Think about this one awhile :) It's very enlightening once you 'get it'!

The Universe Says "I think therefore I am, or I am, therefore I think. Now just BE already!"

Speaking of the Universe