The past always echoing within your mind with the...
- I should haves...
- I could haves...
- If I would have...
- Why the heck did I...
It's a tough demon to battle and there is a saying that goes with it "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" and how true this rings here.
Fear is actually a HUGE factor because you are scared of re-creating what you created in the PAST. Reality is, by being scared of creating that again you are beating the drum with that vibration and actully creating that exact same scenario again - hence you ARE creating it AGAIN. Sometimes AGAIN and AGAIN.
Does that make sense? Let me put it another way...
By living in moments of the past you are trapping yourself within that moment, not allowing yourself to move into the next moment. Like you are frozen in time. If you keep re-living the past, how can you possibly experience new things? If you are 'stuck' in a moment, how can you move forward? If you are constant worry, FEELING things from the past, you now where close to living in the NOW.
Well it's time for change!
You simply must realize the past is done. You can not press the back space. You can not highlight and delete it. You cannot wipe it off the screen and retype a new scenario with the woulda, shoulda, couldas... The ONLY option, I reiterate, the ONLY OPTION is to accept the fact that it happened. Let it go. And move forward.
You must realize, dwelling on it will not change it.
All that does is reactivate that 'feeling' you had when it happened. By reactiviating that feeling you are in essence recodnnecting to AND recreating the moment. (again)
Do you find you tend to repeat things from the past?
Why do you think this is? (read all the ABOVE!)
Here is an exercise to practice living in the NOW...
Take a few moments to write down, by hand, the moments you keep re-living. Focus on the way you 'feel' as you re-live those moments. Usually it's that 'pit of the stomach' feeling of regret, pain, guilt, etc... Now FOCUS on this, look inward. It is time to free this demon. You must acknowledge it, be aware of it, then let go of it. Your Ego within thrives on pain, your Ego wants you to suffer. You must battle the Ego, or the demon within to help the Ego lose power over you.
You simply cannot live in the NOW until you let go of the THEN.
Let go how you feel will work best for you. Via thought, crumple the paper and throw it in the fire place, rip it to a thousand pieces and toss it into a running stream, bury it in the soil. When you do so proclaim aloud that you are LETTING GO of everything on that paper. Announce to the Universe that you finally GET IT and you are ready to move forward. You are aready to accept the good things in life. You are ready to live a abundant and prosperous life, the life you destined to have, the life you DESERVE to have.
The Universe Says "I am here always, you must allow me to bring you abundance and prosperity. To do so you must be in the NOW and not living in the past. When your consiousness is in the past, I simply deliver exactly what it is you are thinking of. Think NOW and I will deliver what it is you request in the NOW."
Ask. Believe. Receive.
Speaking of the Universe...