If you are seeking something to "complete you" then you are not "whole" within the spirit of your be-ing. You must be one with the spiritual be-ing within, you must be completely happy with the YOU that you are.
If you are seeking something external, say you are seeking 'love' to make you 'happy'. In this state of mind, 'love' will only be a temporary 'fix'.
Why? Well two halves only make a whole, when it is from the same thing, i.e. cut an apple in half, it is two halves of the same apple, if you rejoin them, it is a perfect match, two puzzle pieces that join in unison, it makes the apple whole again.
However if you cut 2 apples in half, and attempt to attach them with eachother, they will not 'fit' as they are not from the same apple. They are 2 apples. They can not 'complete' one another...
Not say you are seeking 'money' to complete you and make you happy. This also, an external source of happiness, but in this instance you are seeking something even farther outside yourself. It's not apples to apples any more, it's apples to oranges. So when you get this money you are desiring, thinking it will make you happy, you'll find this money still does not 'complete you' as a spiritual be-ing. Often in these instances people experience monetary gain due to their desire, yet they then lose all the money, going right back where they started, as a half.
This is because they were not happy within the spirit of their be-ing. When we are not whole, external things are only band aids. A band aid does not fix a wound, it covers a wound. A wound will not heal, unless the body becomes whole again...
We must be happy within before our subconscious will accept external blessings. Once we are happy within, once we are 'whole', we can add in other pieces of apple, other pieces of orange, add some banana, grapes and melon too. We can become a fruit salad of mixed blessings and all of these things mixed together will enhance our whole-ness.
The Universe Says "We can only be WHOLE from within, once we achieve total 'wholeness', then and only then, can we enjoy our lives as physical be-ings to the fullest potential..."
Speaking of the Universe