
Article: Gratitude, Appreciation, and Abundance

Article: Gratitude, Appreciation, and Abundance

I won't kid you. I won't tell you that practicing gratitude and appreciation in your life will turn on the floodgates of abundance. There are quite a few other factors at play... I will tell you however, that gratitude and appreciation is indeed ONE of those factors.

In fact...it's a BIG factor. We delve into this in Butterfly Experiment 2, live event. The intelligence, that is LIFE, is opened by the key of abundance, and it's foundation is gratitude. One piece of the pie when learning to live within the intelligence, and consciousness of the heart. Here is where you find true alignment.

Here in the US, this week is a time for thanks. It's a time when we look around, with heart, and consciously observe and stand in appreciation of the blessings and gifts that we have been offered in our lives.

This sometimes includes the hardships, believe it or not. Often times you can look within the heart of a hardship and find the strength to shift your experience....and through this, find peace.

This time of year, we are conscious of this...but I must ask, why not all of the time?

You are in control of your experience, you know. While you may not be in control of your mother, father, brother, sister, partner, children...you name it....one thing is for certain; you do have choice over your own experience.

You do. No matter what the hypnotic trance of society has locked you in, you have choice to step out of it, in this moment, and choose your experience. I agree, in the beginning, some have it easier than others...the ability to shift their perspective is easier, to release and let things go, to see the glass as half full vs. half empty.

Why is that? Well, it individual of course. But after coaching 100's of people over the years I can tell you that it's about belief systems, personal health, wellness, and balance...commitment - to self, and to learning and remembering all that you are.....and the ability to stay conscious.

That last one is a dozy- "the ability to stay conscious". It is only through this that we are able to choose to step outside of the collective beliefs of society, the collective vibrational state...and choose something different for ourselves.

It is only through this that you are even able to choose unity over separation. It's big stuff.

So, for today...make a choice. Make a choice, that no matter the condition of your health, the events around you, the attitudes of your family or the politicians you love to hate...make a choice to honor the vibration that is you.

What do I mean by this? Make a choice to appreciate, the vibration that is you...the LOVE that you are. To stand in awe...in total awe of you. See the beauty and perfection that you are. Appreciate your willingness to do things differently to step outside that trance. To stand in the present moment. To take care of yourself, both the spiritual and the structural/physical part of you.

I know...so many people are out there studying Laws of the Universe to they can attract abundance in life...but I would encourage you to study it to attract true abundance first.

And the ray of light here is, you don't have to attract it at all...it's already yours. It's within. Remember this. There is no separation between you, and the spiritual or material abundance that you seek, it's yours. Now, align with this truth.

If you are not quite "there" yet, no worries.

Stand in gratitude and appreciation for what is, for what is to come. Be joyful about the simple things. Can you come up with 100 simple things you are grateful for? Ok, 10? :)

In appreciation,
Evolve Life Coachinglori@lorihamann.com

About the Author:This article was written by spiritual life coach and Law of Attraction expert Lori Hamann, MSE. To transform your life and create more abundance check out www.lorihamann.com


Torn Two Directions - voice of reason or Ego interfering

Trying to make a decision and you are torn two different ways. Go forward, step backwards, go sideways or stop. One moment you are gung ho and moving forward, then a moment later you second guess yourself. You take a break and the next day you are gung ho again only to hear the voice in the back of your head start convincing you otherwise.

What do you follow? Your initial action, or do you listen to the voice of reason? Is it the real voice of reason or the Ego interfering? How do you KNOW what you are to do?

This is a very difficult struggle and when you are in the midst of an internal tug and pull it is best to set the project aside and ponder upon it a few days, weeks, or even longer. There should be no rush as a rushed decision often causes you strife in one way or another.

Slow down, take your time, and do what is best for you. You will 'know' when you open up and follow your inner guidance, not the voice that echos in your ear.

The Universe Says "when tugged in multiple directions, stop, drop and roll! Wait it out, the Universe works WITH you and FOR you, never AGAINST you. If you are having an internal battle there is a reason for this. You need to open up yourself and pay attention to why you are creating this inner turmoil. It is YOU creating it, so listen to yourself and once the turmoil passes you should be in the Know."

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


The Universe Provides PEPPERMINT Candy!

Thoughts are things, choose the good ones! (Tut)

The other day I was at the DMV, for a VERY long time...I had a tickle in my throat and a cough was approaching...I nice little old lady sat next to me and we were chatting. She opened her purse and out came a bag of peppermint candies... I looked away but in my head repeated "I'd love one, thank you!" over and over - and right on cue she said 'darling, would you like a peppermint candy?" and without a pause I said 'I'd love one, thank you!"

Just a little note on how the Law of Attraction provides exactly what you are asking for when you Ask. Believe. Receive.

The Universe Says "I always listen when you ask, so ASK and your desires will be provided"

Remember, you have to actually believe you can achieve your goals or else your thoughts of lack cancel out your desire.

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe