The Law of Attraction attracts that which you focus your energy on, be it good things, or, be it bad things. If you are focusing on those things you need, and you allow them to flow to you, you can manifest them. Also, if you focus on those things you do not want, those too, can manifest as you are focusing attention on those things.
Here is an example...
Today I was trimming some dead thorny branches off of a quickly growing rose bush. So, I had a pile of dead thorny branches. I was gingerly picking up the branches, for I had no gloves on, and I was being grateful for the blessing that 'thorn bushes are adorned with roses..' and for a moment, just a mere fraction of time I thought to myself 'oh man if the dogs came flying around the corner this could be a bad thing...'
Literally seconds later, the dogs came whirring around the corner, knocking me off balance and I landed palm first into the pile of trimmed branches. I let out quite a painful 'ouuuuuch!' and quickly shot a glare at the dogs. Only to stop myself and started rolling on the ground laughing, while tears of pain filled my eyes, because I got exactly what I was focusing on. And, it near record time.

I took this as a lesson that indeed the Universe is listening, and delivering. It is so important to refine our thinking. It seems so effortless and simple to manifest the 'bad' and the 'painful' yet why is it we have trouble manifesting the abundance and prosperity? Allowance. We simply don't allow these things to flow to us.
So today the Universe showed me with big flashing lights that it is here and ready to serve. I simply need to fine tune my thought processes and allow. (also being careful not to focus thoughts on that which I don't want!)
The Universe Says "careful what you ask for!"
Speaking of the Universe
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