- "Why does that person not like me?"
"That person is talking about me, I know it..."
"That person is judging me."
Now if you look at those three statements you will realize that the person who says them is falling victim to exactly the things they accuse someone else of. The person does not like the person they are speaking about, they talk about the person to other people, and by assuming the person is judging them, they in fact are judging the other person.
They may attempt to convince themselves that they do indeed like the person and are indeed nice to that person. However the truth is within and the ego holds a grudge putting up a wall. The grudge will not go away until one can 'let go' of animocity...
It is not ever external. By thinking someone does not like you, are are emitting an energy and you create exactly that of which you speak. The key to peace and harmony is to look within and be happy within, no matter what others like, say or judge. The ego is a tricky thing, by saying you are happy no matter what others like, say or judge is not the same as actually be-ing happy no matter what tohers like, say or judge...
Always remember, when you are looking in from the outside, you really are looking in a mirror. If you stand in front of a mirror, what do you see? You see yourself.
So the next time you take time to assume, stop, and make your assumptions in front of a mirror. Then you know what you need to work on within...

The Universe Says "What you notice around you, is a reflection of what is within you. See anger, darkness and hatred and that is what your mirror is showing too... Two halves make a whole and if you see someone different than yourself and not as another Spiritual Be-ing, having a human experience. Then you are not seeing yourself as a Spiritual Be-ing, having a human experience. You are separating the self. To be whole, see everyone as equals and harmony will manifest in your life."
Speaking of the Universe