
Is Your Life Half Empty or Half Full?

Sometimes we induce self-initiated downward spirals ~ all from our own personal mindset.  Nearly always this is unintentional, I mean who WANTS to go into a downward spiral?

  1. How does this happen?
  2. More importantly, how do we ALLOW this to happen?
  3. Even MORE importantly, how do we STOP this from happening?
Let me explain...

  1. We create a downward spiral from our very own thoughts.  If we wake up in the morning and slam our toe on the bed proclaiming "oh great, this day is going to suck"  soon you will forget to bring a towel to the shower, realize the dog took our left shoe into the yard (into the rain), get stuck in traffic and leave your lunch at home sitting on the counter.
  2. Now why do we ALLOW this to happen?  Simple.  It's the subconscious mind at work.  The subconscious is very powerful and can dominate the conscious quite easily.  It is the section of the mind that will completely take over, and in most people the subconscious is in control of daily life.
  3. How do we STOP this?  BEcome conscious of your thoughts.  Choose your thoughts!  If you slam your toe, pause, breathe, and accept the fact that it happened.  Then be grateful!  (WHAT?)  Yes, find the gratitude in every moment!  Be thankful that you have a toe, be thankful you can FEEL your toe, be thankful you can experience pain.  As there are people with no toes and no physical feeling.
You see, in every dark moment there actually is light, if you choose to SEE it.   Many get stuck in their own darkness they create that they continue to manifest more darkness. 

Find the light in every moment...

  •  Forget a towel?  Be thankful for running water and that you can pay for the heat to warm it.  
  •  Dog stole your shoe?  Be thankful you have shoes and the ability to walk.
  • Stuck in traffic?  Be thankful you have your own car.
  • Forgot your lunch?  Be thankful you had food in the pantry at home to even make a lunch.
The Universe Says "there is a blessing in EVERY moment, no matter how big, no matter how small, the key is being grateful for that blessing in EVERY moment..."

Practice and soon you'll only be seeing light...

Speaking of the Universe


"Be Impeccable With Your Word"

I am currently reading the Five Agreements....  For me it has been a great refresher of the Four Agreements (the original book).  The first Agreement is...

"Be Impeccable With Your Word."

This is SO very important as so frequently we say things and we do not realize are harming ourselves.  The key is to speak the truth and be who you are, (the real you).

How often do you partake in a little 'gossip'?  Do you realize that gossiping about someone gives away your power, and empowers the person you are talking about?

How often do you put yourself down?  Even in thought..."I'm fat..."  "I'm ugly..."  "I can't do that..."  etc...

How often do you say things like "I'll never get better"... "I'm always in pain..."   "I'm stressed out..."  "I have no money..." "I have no energy..."

These are all things that the more you 'affirm' them by speaking of them, you are creating MORE of these things (even though you probably don't want them)

impeccable (adj) 1: not capable of sinning or liable to sin  2: free from fault or blame : flawless

Being impeccable with your word means speaking the whole truth and nothing but.  Purity.  Positive energy.  Positive feeling.  It's not so easy now is it?

The Universe Says "practice being impeccable with your word the next time you have a conversation.  Do  more listening instead of speaking.  Be 'aware' of your conversation and think before you speak."

Speaking of the Universe


How Collective Consciousness Created and Economic Downturn in the US

Collective Consciousness is the mass vibration created by the thoughts of the mass population.  Vibrational levels get stronger when many are focused upon the same thing.  Masses of people worrying about lack of food, lack of money, war ~ creates exactly that is thought about... Lack of food.  Lack of money. War.

Even Mother Teresa said "I won't go to an anti war rally, but I'll go to a pro-peace one..."

What do you think she meant by this?  Basically, she would not participate in a negative event creating collective consciousness that would attract war.  But she WOULD attend a positive event creating a collective consciousness that would attract peace...

Think about it, when do YOU remember our "economy taking a dump".  Your first memory of this is probably when you started hearing the media talk about it on the radio and TV.  Prior to that, you thought nothing different than a normal day at the office.

However when the media started spewing off about job loss, people losing their homes and more.  What happened?  MORE people lost jobs.  MORE people lost homes.  Why?  The vibrational attraction of WORRY was activated, mass quantities of people started asking "WHAT IF?"
  • What if I lose MY job?
  • What if I lose MY home?
This activated such a STRONG and POWERFUL wave of vibrational WORRY and LACK that the Universe delivered exactly what the thoughts were thinking.  You've heard it time and time again, "choose your thoughts wisely" or "careful what you ask for" and these pertain here too...

Do you perhaps think this can be a part of why some countries have no rain?  People are so focused on the fact that there is NO rain.  Now moreso than ever.  Why?  People from other countries are going there to "help" them, emhpasize how horrible their conditions are, teach them new religions, provide them food from other places (all in an attempt to 'civilize' them)  I don't think we're doing them any favors...  Their  vibrational drum is beaten down and they are told that they are in a BAD situation and this creates a mindset.... they are told over and over they are in drought, that they are suffering, that they are becomes their BELIEF.

Prior to people from other countries intervening, these people did not know 'rich vs poor'.  They led quiet lives in their own villages.  The know  not of a TV, computer or iPhone.  Do they NEED these things to be happy?  No.  But now we are telling them there is 'so much MORE' to life. 

I find shame in this.

What about countries who have not been interfered with?  Ones with traditions that focus on attracting rain?  Dances, chants, gifts to the Gods.  They get their rain, why?  Their collective consciousness, their mass vibration BELIEVES that they will be okay.   And they are...

Are mass quantities of people worrying about GLOBAL WARMING?   Hmmmm...  Are they STILL worrying about JOB LOSS and LACK of money?  Hmmmmm....

The Universe Says "focus on what you WANT not what you DON'T WANT.  In need of money, focus on allowing money to flow TO you and be open to the opportunities presented to you, not the fact you don't have it.    In need of food, focus on allowing food to flow TO you, not the fact you don't have it...a change in mindset will create a change in your situation...

Speaking of the Universe...


Thoughts are seeds the that grow, be careful as you'll sow...

...exactly what it is that you put in the ground...

"Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious." ~Bill Meyer

The Universe Says... Very true Mr. Meyer, your vibrational thoughts that you send into the Universe are the same as planting seeds in the soil.  If you plant an apple of a certain type, that is what you shall get.

Always be careful the seeds you plant as you will indeed harvest the bounty of what it is you sow, no matter good or bad...

Speaking of the Universe


Deep withIN

"We are not onlookers peering into the unified field of separate, objective reality - we are the unified field. We can reach beyond the physical body and extend the influence of intelligence. Every thought you are thinking creates a wave in the unified field. It ripples through all the layers of intellect, mind, senses, and matter, spreading out in wider and wider circles. You are like a light radiating not photons but consciousness. As they radiate, your thoughts have an effect on everything. Your relationship to life is the same as that of one cell to your whole body. One cell can talk to your whole body. One cell can influence your whole body. You can talk to the whole of life - influence the whole of life. The whole of life is as alive as we are. The distinction between 'in here' and 'out there' is a false one - as if the heart disregarded the skin because it was not on the inside." ~Deepak Chopra

The Universe Says "You are deeper than the depth of your skin, FEEL the YOU that IS the Universe..."

Speaking of the Universe


Becoming Whole : Seeking Wholeness via External Sources Will NOT Work...

If you are seeking something to "complete you" then you are not "whole" within the spirit of your be-ing. You must be one with the spiritual be-ing within, you must be completely happy with the YOU that you are.

If you are seeking something external, say you are seeking 'love' to make you 'happy'. In this state of mind, 'love' will only be a temporary 'fix'.

Why? Well two halves only make a whole, when it is from the same thing, i.e. cut an apple in half, it is two halves of the same apple, if you rejoin them, it is a perfect match, two puzzle pieces that join in unison, it makes the apple whole again.

However if you cut 2 apples in half, and attempt to attach them with eachother, they will not 'fit' as they are not from the same apple. They are 2 apples. They can not 'complete' one another...

Not say you are seeking 'money' to complete you and make you happy. This also, an external source of happiness, but in this instance you are seeking something even farther outside yourself. It's not apples to apples any more, it's apples to oranges. So when you get this money you are desiring, thinking it will make you happy, you'll find this money still does not 'complete you' as a spiritual be-ing. Often in these instances people experience monetary gain due to their desire, yet they then lose all the money, going right back where they started, as a half.

This is because they were not happy within the spirit of their be-ing. When we are not whole, external things are only band aids. A band aid does not fix a wound, it covers a wound. A wound will not heal, unless the body becomes whole again...

We must be happy within before our subconscious will accept external blessings. Once we are happy within, once we are 'whole', we can add in other pieces of apple, other pieces of orange, add some banana, grapes and melon too. We can become a fruit salad of mixed blessings and all of these things mixed together will enhance our whole-ness.

The Universe Says "We can only be WHOLE from within, once we achieve total 'wholeness', then and only then, can we enjoy our lives as physical be-ings to the fullest potential..."

Speaking of the Universe