
How Collective Consciousness Created and Economic Downturn in the US

Collective Consciousness is the mass vibration created by the thoughts of the mass population.  Vibrational levels get stronger when many are focused upon the same thing.  Masses of people worrying about lack of food, lack of money, war ~ creates exactly that is thought about... Lack of food.  Lack of money. War.

Even Mother Teresa said "I won't go to an anti war rally, but I'll go to a pro-peace one..."

What do you think she meant by this?  Basically, she would not participate in a negative event creating collective consciousness that would attract war.  But she WOULD attend a positive event creating a collective consciousness that would attract peace...

Think about it, when do YOU remember our "economy taking a dump".  Your first memory of this is probably when you started hearing the media talk about it on the radio and TV.  Prior to that, you thought nothing different than a normal day at the office.

However when the media started spewing off about job loss, people losing their homes and more.  What happened?  MORE people lost jobs.  MORE people lost homes.  Why?  The vibrational attraction of WORRY was activated, mass quantities of people started asking "WHAT IF?"
  • What if I lose MY job?
  • What if I lose MY home?
This activated such a STRONG and POWERFUL wave of vibrational WORRY and LACK that the Universe delivered exactly what the thoughts were thinking.  You've heard it time and time again, "choose your thoughts wisely" or "careful what you ask for" and these pertain here too...

Do you perhaps think this can be a part of why some countries have no rain?  People are so focused on the fact that there is NO rain.  Now moreso than ever.  Why?  People from other countries are going there to "help" them, emhpasize how horrible their conditions are, teach them new religions, provide them food from other places (all in an attempt to 'civilize' them)  I don't think we're doing them any favors...  Their  vibrational drum is beaten down and they are told that they are in a BAD situation and this creates a mindset.... they are told over and over they are in drought, that they are suffering, that they are poor...it becomes their BELIEF.

Prior to people from other countries intervening, these people did not know 'rich vs poor'.  They led quiet lives in their own villages.  The know  not of a TV, computer or iPhone.  Do they NEED these things to be happy?  No.  But now we are telling them there is 'so much MORE' to life. 

I find shame in this.

What about countries who have not been interfered with?  Ones with traditions that focus on attracting rain?  Dances, chants, gifts to the Gods.  They get their rain, why?  Their collective consciousness, their mass vibration BELIEVES that they will be okay.   And they are...

Are mass quantities of people worrying about GLOBAL WARMING?   Hmmmm...  Are they STILL worrying about JOB LOSS and LACK of money?  Hmmmmm....

The Universe Says "focus on what you WANT not what you DON'T WANT.  In need of money, focus on allowing money to flow TO you and be open to the opportunities presented to you, not the fact you don't have it.    In need of food, focus on allowing food to flow TO you, not the fact you don't have it...a change in mindset will create a change in your situation...

Speaking of the Universe...

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