Just when I have doubt in my powers to attract, something happens so quickly to reaffirm my belief of the powers of thought. Sometimes I step away from my positive thoughts as I get consumed by darkness of the world and then I start heading towards the light once again which is lighted by signs I'm able to read loud and clear.
My message today was delivered by means of Mt. Dew... I had just finished dinner and left my can of Mt. Dew on a small table near the television. As I got up with my dishes I looked back and thought to myself "hmmm, I should get that in case one of the dogs bump the table". I then dismissed the thought convincing myself that I never see the dogs bump the table.
I did the dishes, and as I walked towards my desk I once again pondered grabbing the can, because 'what if' the dogs bumped the table... Once again I dismissed it and literally less than 60 seconds later, one of the dogs jumps up, bumps the table and the soda topples over onto the carpet.
Law of Attraction in action. A sign I ignored. An instinct I dismissed...
The Universe Says "Thoughts are very precise, whaterver it is that you project out is answered. Be it a wonderous desire, or a spilling soda. Choose your thoughts carefully...."
Speaking of the Universe
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