
Signs under your nose...but out of sight...

Why we miss what we've asked to see...

Often we ask for a sign that we are on the right path. We say...

  • 'please show me the way!'
  • 'please tell me I'm doing the right thing!'

For example, you ask to be shown the way and a leaf blows across your path...did you follow it?

For example, you ask if you are doing the right thing and then someone calls you asking about that exact same thing...did you pay attention?

We have to be 'aware'...

It sounds easy enough, but how many of us are actually aware of what is around us? Signs are all around us, we just have to open our hearts to see them. We have to be willing to accept the truth.

The Universe Says "you ask and we are listening and we are giving - but YOU have to listen too and be accepting of our answers!"


Speaking of the Universe...

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