
A New Year is often a choice for a New Beginning

We, at any moment, can create change. Many choose to do so upon the turn of a new year. As the year rolls over to a fresh one, many reflect upon the past and decide to make changes like quitting smoking or going on a diet. Many quickly fail their resolutions and wait a full year to stake claim upon those same things again.

We must remember, it does not have to be the first of the year. You can start next week, on Monday, tomorrow, or this very moment. The change is not 'there' it is within your Spirit, and you will not, I repeat, you will NOT experience change unless you take the steps to initiate change.

Focus on your desired result and move forward. If you keep going in circles, then you need to spend some time to reflect why it is you keep coming back to your situation or habit that you want to change.

  • Do you smoke? Are you creating a 'smoke screen' to hide behind?
  • Financial difficulties? Do you feel you deserve wealth?
  • Health problems? Do you feel unworthy of 'feeling good'?

The only time change does not happen, is when you do not allow it to happen....

The Universe Says "If you want to make a change in your life, you have to be ready to accept the blessings the change will bring. If you put up walls, the changes will not be able to bless you!"

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


Article: Gratitude, Appreciation, and Abundance

Article: Gratitude, Appreciation, and Abundance

I won't kid you. I won't tell you that practicing gratitude and appreciation in your life will turn on the floodgates of abundance. There are quite a few other factors at play... I will tell you however, that gratitude and appreciation is indeed ONE of those factors.

In's a BIG factor. We delve into this in Butterfly Experiment 2, live event. The intelligence, that is LIFE, is opened by the key of abundance, and it's foundation is gratitude. One piece of the pie when learning to live within the intelligence, and consciousness of the heart. Here is where you find true alignment.

Here in the US, this week is a time for thanks. It's a time when we look around, with heart, and consciously observe and stand in appreciation of the blessings and gifts that we have been offered in our lives.

This sometimes includes the hardships, believe it or not. Often times you can look within the heart of a hardship and find the strength to shift your experience....and through this, find peace.

This time of year, we are conscious of this...but I must ask, why not all of the time?

You are in control of your experience, you know. While you may not be in control of your mother, father, brother, sister, partner, name thing is for certain; you do have choice over your own experience.

You do. No matter what the hypnotic trance of society has locked you in, you have choice to step out of it, in this moment, and choose your experience. I agree, in the beginning, some have it easier than others...the ability to shift their perspective is easier, to release and let things go, to see the glass as half full vs. half empty.

Why is that? Well, it individual of course. But after coaching 100's of people over the years I can tell you that it's about belief systems, personal health, wellness, and balance...commitment - to self, and to learning and remembering all that you are.....and the ability to stay conscious.

That last one is a dozy- "the ability to stay conscious". It is only through this that we are able to choose to step outside of the collective beliefs of society, the collective vibrational state...and choose something different for ourselves.

It is only through this that you are even able to choose unity over separation. It's big stuff.

So, for today...make a choice. Make a choice, that no matter the condition of your health, the events around you, the attitudes of your family or the politicians you love to hate...make a choice to honor the vibration that is you.

What do I mean by this? Make a choice to appreciate, the vibration that is you...the LOVE that you are. To stand in total awe of you. See the beauty and perfection that you are. Appreciate your willingness to do things differently to step outside that trance. To stand in the present moment. To take care of yourself, both the spiritual and the structural/physical part of you.

I many people are out there studying Laws of the Universe to they can attract abundance in life...but I would encourage you to study it to attract true abundance first.

And the ray of light here is, you don't have to attract it at's already yours. It's within. Remember this. There is no separation between you, and the spiritual or material abundance that you seek, it's yours. Now, align with this truth.

If you are not quite "there" yet, no worries.

Stand in gratitude and appreciation for what is, for what is to come. Be joyful about the simple things. Can you come up with 100 simple things you are grateful for? Ok, 10? :)

In appreciation,
Evolve Life

About the Author:This article was written by spiritual life coach and Law of Attraction expert Lori Hamann, MSE. To transform your life and create more abundance check out


Torn Two Directions - voice of reason or Ego interfering

Trying to make a decision and you are torn two different ways. Go forward, step backwards, go sideways or stop. One moment you are gung ho and moving forward, then a moment later you second guess yourself. You take a break and the next day you are gung ho again only to hear the voice in the back of your head start convincing you otherwise.

What do you follow? Your initial action, or do you listen to the voice of reason? Is it the real voice of reason or the Ego interfering? How do you KNOW what you are to do?

This is a very difficult struggle and when you are in the midst of an internal tug and pull it is best to set the project aside and ponder upon it a few days, weeks, or even longer. There should be no rush as a rushed decision often causes you strife in one way or another.

Slow down, take your time, and do what is best for you. You will 'know' when you open up and follow your inner guidance, not the voice that echos in your ear.

The Universe Says "when tugged in multiple directions, stop, drop and roll! Wait it out, the Universe works WITH you and FOR you, never AGAINST you. If you are having an internal battle there is a reason for this. You need to open up yourself and pay attention to why you are creating this inner turmoil. It is YOU creating it, so listen to yourself and once the turmoil passes you should be in the Know."

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


The Universe Provides PEPPERMINT Candy!

Thoughts are things, choose the good ones! (Tut)

The other day I was at the DMV, for a VERY long time...I had a tickle in my throat and a cough was approaching...I nice little old lady sat next to me and we were chatting. She opened her purse and out came a bag of peppermint candies... I looked away but in my head repeated "I'd love one, thank you!" over and over - and right on cue she said 'darling, would you like a peppermint candy?" and without a pause I said 'I'd love one, thank you!"

Just a little note on how the Law of Attraction provides exactly what you are asking for when you Ask. Believe. Receive.

The Universe Says "I always listen when you ask, so ASK and your desires will be provided"

Remember, you have to actually believe you can achieve your goals or else your thoughts of lack cancel out your desire.

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


Fighting the demons of the past - they lie within 'self'

Do you find you often 'dwell'?

The past always echoing within your mind with the...

  • I should haves...
  • I could haves...
  • If I would have...
  • Why the heck did I...

It's a tough demon to battle and there is a saying that goes with it "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" and how true this rings here.

Fear is actually a HUGE factor because you are scared of re-creating what you created in the PAST. Reality is, by being scared of creating that again you are beating the drum with that vibration and actully creating that exact same scenario again - hence you ARE creating it AGAIN. Sometimes AGAIN and AGAIN.

Does that make sense? Let me put it another way...

By living in moments of the past you are trapping yourself within that moment, not allowing yourself to move into the next moment. Like you are frozen in time. If you keep re-living the past, how can you possibly experience new things? If you are 'stuck' in a moment, how can you move forward? If you are constant worry, FEELING things from the past, you now where close to living in the NOW.

Well it's time for change!

You simply must realize the past is done. You can not press the back space. You can not highlight and delete it. You cannot wipe it off the screen and retype a new scenario with the woulda, shoulda, couldas... The ONLY option, I reiterate, the ONLY OPTION is to accept the fact that it happened. Let it go. And move forward.

You must realize, dwelling on it will not change it.

All that does is reactivate that 'feeling' you had when it happened. By reactiviating that feeling you are in essence recodnnecting to AND recreating the moment. (again)

Do you find you tend to repeat things from the past?

Why do you think this is? (read all the ABOVE!)

Here is an exercise to practice living in the NOW...

Take a few moments to write down, by hand, the moments you keep re-living. Focus on the way you 'feel' as you re-live those moments. Usually it's that 'pit of the stomach' feeling of regret, pain, guilt, etc... Now FOCUS on this, look inward. It is time to free this demon. You must acknowledge it, be aware of it, then let go of it. Your Ego within thrives on pain, your Ego wants you to suffer. You must battle the Ego, or the demon within to help the Ego lose power over you.

You simply cannot live in the NOW until you let go of the THEN.

Let go how you feel will work best for you. Via thought, crumple the paper and throw it in the fire place, rip it to a thousand pieces and toss it into a running stream, bury it in the soil. When you do so proclaim aloud that you are LETTING GO of everything on that paper. Announce to the Universe that you finally GET IT and you are ready to move forward. You are aready to accept the good things in life. You are ready to live a abundant and prosperous life, the life you destined to have, the life you DESERVE to have.

The Universe Says "I am here always, you must allow me to bring you abundance and prosperity. To do so you must be in the NOW and not living in the past. When your consiousness is in the past, I simply deliver exactly what it is you are thinking of. Think NOW and I will deliver what it is you request in the NOW."

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe...


Ask for directions then run out the door...

So many say that they pray, or have asked for help, yet have gotten no guidance or assistance.

  • When asked the guidance is ALWAYS given.
  • When asked the assistance is ALWAYS given.

Many plainly misintrepret the Law of Attraction (LOA) as 'ask and thou shall receive'. Now in the grand scheme ofr things, this is totally true. BUT there is another step involved. You have to ALLOW. You have to ACCEPT.

Praying or asking the Universe and then not accepting the gifts bestowed is like walking into a gas station, asking for directions, then running out the door before hearing how to get there.

You have to stop, you have to listen and accept.

For instance someone I know is looking to earn some extra money. They have applied for two jobs and got them BOTH. Yet she turned them down because the 'conflicted with her schedule'. She asked and she was granted her desires, she did not ACCEPT them and keeps saying she can't find work!

The Universe does not usually drop money from the clouds upon your doorstep, but usually provides the 'way' aka 'the directions' to get what you are desiring.

The Universe Says "Please ask, I WILL grant you the desires, however you must be willing to do your part and be willing to accept the gift!"

Ask. Believe. Allow. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


It you say it, it will happen...

Similar to the movie 'If you build it, they will come' rings true 'if you say it, it will happen.

Thinking of someone close to me today who is fighting a 'bug' of some sort. Headache, congestion, chills - when offering him some medicine he says "I can't take anything it will make me feel worse". This is his common answer when being offered something to aid in relief of symptoms and sure thing he when takes something he feels worse.

Why? He EXPECTS to feel worse...

Mind you this is the exact SAME person who EXPECTS front row parking every time we go somewhere, even if it's the mall on Christmas Eve and SURE THING that spot is there, glowing every single time...

Note this is how the LOA works and how the LOA fails. We all must fine tune our beliefs to always 'expect' the best because when we expect the worst, well, we tend to create that in our experience.

Now I personally am a firm believer of prevention, washing hands, germ killers, Emergen-C, Echinecia, etc... However if I ever get to the point of needing something to stave of off headache pain, or to help with sinus pressure I know full well it won't 'cure' me but will aid temporarily in the condition.

This I think is where many get confused, they think Over the Counter medicines to 'cure' them when in reality all they do is 'mask' symptoms to aid you in resting and or sleeping so the body can fight off whatever it is.

So next time you are sick, remember to let medicine 'help' with symptoms, but the only thing that will 'cure' you is allowing your body to fight the germs and or virus within.

You can boost the immune system, but nothing is going to CURE you!

The Universe Says 'if you say it, expect that it WILL happen, as the law of attraction delivers what you expect and ask for!'

Believe in healing, BELIEVE in getting better, EXPECT to get better and you'll be on the right track!

Speaking of the Universe


Instinct is a 6th sense...

Do you sometimes 'feel' like something is right - or wrong?

Do you sometimes have a strong 'urge' to do something?

Do you sometimes think about someone then *ring* they call?

These are all your ties to the Universe - they key to the Universe is harnessing the power within.

We ALL have connection to the Universe, because we ARE the Universe. We are masses of spinning energy. Thoughts, are energy.

Next time you ask the Universe a question, pay attention.

What do I mean by that? When you say 'WHY ME? WHY does this keep happening to ME?" The answer will be given, you just have to pay attention...

The Universe says "instinct is your inner 'knowing' listen to yourself to find the answers"

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe

When you feel life is not going your way...

...take a moment to trust the day!

When you feel stressed, take a moment to remove yourself from thought and get into the 'now'. Focus on breathing, in - out, in - out, in - out.

Give thanks for the good in your life and redirect your focus. Get to a feeling of 'feeling good'.

When 'stress' creeps in again, practice 'focus'. Stress is a sign of paying attention to what you 'don't have' created by feelings of needing, desire or lacking.

The Universe Says "When you catch yourself thinking about what you don't have, you are attracting just that. Start focusing on what you DO have and what you WILL have, and you will start attracting just that."

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


Law of Attraction in Action...

Ever notice when you starting thinking about something, it happens?

You want to go someplace for dinner and then you get a coupon in the mail...

You wonder how an old friend is doing and then the phone rings with them on the other end...

You really want something and all of a sudden you get it as a gift...

That's the Law of Attraction in Action...

The Univere Says "Thoughts are things...choose the good ones!"

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe


Practice what you preach...

...if you teach the Law of Attraction - you must live it.

Positive attracts positive.

Negative attracts negative.

Ask and thou shalt receive (whether it be good or bad)

Set goals, and BELIEVE.

Do you feel you lack? You will be lacking...

Do you feel grateful? You will be gifted...

The Univere Says "If you dream it, it will come..."

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Speaking of the Universe

Repeating scenarios...

Do you find you are often in the same scenario over and over?

You constantly talk about how the same thing happens over and over?

You readily say how it 'always happens to me'?

Well, this is not by chance. You are CREATING the situation over and over, a few different ways.

First, you are affirming that 'this always happens to me' thus broadcasting that vibration to the Universe over and over. Remember, what you ask for, the Universe delivers!

If you start listening to yourself you will start to see patterns.

For instance, are you often sick? If so, odds are you affirm it frequently...
  • "I always get sick."
  • "I catch everything my kids bring home"
  • "I go to the store once and I have a new bug"
  • "Every year I get sick during the holiday season."

For instance, are you often in pain? If so, odds are you affirm it frequently...

  • "I get a headache EVERY month beofore my period."
  • "I can't go anwhere without getting hurt."
  • "You just can't take me anywhere."
  • "I get bad cramps every month."

For instance, are you always tight on funds? If so, odds are you affirm it frequetly...

  • "I'm never going to have enough money."
  • "I always have more bills than money."
  • "I'll always be in debt."
  • "I'm broke."

Do you see the pattern here? When you say negative things you tend to attract them into your experience. Most people don't realize they are doing this until they slow down, stop and listen.

Here is a true example. Very recently a close family member was going out desert riding with us. Before we left the house her husband said 'where will you guys be going?' - her response 'trauma'. She was in the E.R. within 2 hours because she flipped an ATV, tore ligaments and hyper-extended her hip.

Now here is how it can work the other way! My husband ALWAYS gets front row parking, wherever we go! I always pondered this in the past before I knew about LOA. Once I started paying attention, I realized every time we went somewhere he'd say 'one front row spot coming up' and sure thing, he got one. He has an unwavering 'knowing' that his spot will be there for him and it IS - EVERY SINGLE TIME - even on Christmas Eve at the mall!

Remember - be careful what you ask for! Thoughts are THINGS!

Try changing HOW you think and see what transpires. Harness the gifts that the Universe gives you, once you realize the Universe IS giving you what you are asking for because you are getting all the things you don't WANT but are constantly affirming, try changing WHAT you are affirming and you could be in for a pleasant surprise!

Some say...

...well I DO try to think positive but the bad still happens. Well this is because your belief is not strong enough. This means it's easier for you to believe you'll always be poor than it is for you to believe that you'll be rich. That is the bridge you have to cross. You have to KNOW in your heart that all the bills will be paid. You see if you KNOW you can't pay the bills you won't be able to. You literally have to have that same 'knowing' when you believe you WILL be able to pay the bills with extra cash left over! Practice makes perfect! Start small and work your way up!

The Universe Says "You get what you get, don't throw a fit, because you're the one who created IT. If you say you're sick, you will be. If you say you're in pain, you will be. If you say you're poor, you will be. If you say you'll get a front row spot, you'll get it. Choose thoughts carefully!"


Speaking of the Universe


Feeling sorry for yourself... agreeing with lack thus attracting more lack!

I was talking with a friend the other day who was at someone's home for an event. The home was in a rough, 'poor' part of town. The streets dirty, the cars not well taken care of, lawns fading.

My friend told me the energy there was non existant. As she described it the image that popped into my head was colorless and cold. I remembered what I had learned from the Law of Attraction, that everyone has choices and they chose to be where they were one way or another.

The people who spoke all compared notes of how much worse they were than the other person. How one made less money than the other. How one's husband was ill and she did not work. How they somehow survived on $1000 of government assistance each month.

One story that stood out was one woman with a bit of venom spewed these words from her lips...

"There is a single mother in the complex who gets her apartment paid for, is on welfare, and her childcare is paid for. WELL - she just paid cash for a $4000 truck. Can you BELIEVE that?"

My first impression was pride, because I know people in that situation and I know they make sacrifices farther and wider than most of us. My gut instinct was that the single Mom probably works 3 jobs, her child is probably in child care and that Single Mom is trying to get her butt OUT of that place. She does not WANT aid, but is accepting it so she can better her life. I bet she scrimped and saved for that car and my instinct tells me she deserves it!

My second impression was how sad that that lady had venom and jealousy for the young Mom who is busting her butt. The Ego surfaced and could not feel joy for someone's accomplishment.

The ladies who spoke of their ill fate, unhappy where they are, speaking of their 'lack' and accepting where they are as they are not doing anything to change their way of life. This is what saddens me... Feeling sorry for yourself is such an energy low. It pulls you down and often these persons associate with others of the same affiliation. Birds of a feather flock together...

The collective consiousness of that place must be one of lack...not enough money...not enough food...not enough things...

To them all I send love...I send hope... I hope they will see they have choices. I hope they will step into the sunshine and let it warm their world and fill it with joy and color.

The Universe Says :: "Feeling sorry for yoursef will only attract more things for you to feel sorry about. Be thankful for the things you DO have and watch abundance flow to you freely and frequently"

Speaking of the Universe...


What you don't like in others is what you don't like in you...

What you don't like in others is wha tyou don't like in you...

Pay attention...

Do you tend to notice little things about other
  • 'she always looks depressed'
  • 'she always gossips about people'
  • 'she must not like me'

Look inward...

Now see if when you notice thiese things in other, think of it as a mirror reflecting your own image. Often what we dislike in others is what our ego is hiding within. These 'reflections' are ways to recognize things within yourself.


As you gaze in that mirror of self thought, listen to what you say, listen to what you think and help this bring your self to enlightment. Notice what you don't like in others and fix these things within.

The Universe Says: "When seeing negative in others, gaze in the mirror to see what others may be seeing in YOU!"

Speaking of the Universe...


Signs under your nose...but out of sight...

Why we miss what we've asked to see...

Often we ask for a sign that we are on the right path. We say...

  • 'please show me the way!'
  • 'please tell me I'm doing the right thing!'

For example, you ask to be shown the way and a leaf blows across your path...did you follow it?

For example, you ask if you are doing the right thing and then someone calls you asking about that exact same thing...did you pay attention?

We have to be 'aware'...

It sounds easy enough, but how many of us are actually aware of what is around us? Signs are all around us, we just have to open our hearts to see them. We have to be willing to accept the truth.

The Universe Says "you ask and we are listening and we are giving - but YOU have to listen too and be accepting of our answers!"


Speaking of the Universe...


Negative people lead negative lives...

Negative people lead negative lives...

Have you ever noticed that those with a negative outlook on life tend to have negative things happen to them?

"Oh I know I'm going to get a headache..."

You betcha, they get one!

"I'm going to get sick, I just know it!"

Sure thing, signed, sealed and delivered!

Ever know the person who called in sick and they told their boss they had a sore throat as an excuse to play hooky. Next day, they come into work with a sore throat. The ironic thing, they did not have it on their 'day off'' but they told their boss "I have a really bad sore throat, I can't come in today..." They got what they affirmed they already had!

Remember, when it comes to life you get what you affirm so be careful what you affirm as odds are your thoughts will create it!

The Universe Says "Careful what you ask for, it WILL come to you signed, sealed and delivered!"

Speaking of the Universe...


Oh it's going to be one of those days...

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

Ever have one of those days, starting the moment your groggy self arises in the morning. You slam your leg on the side of the bed, feeling the knot with your hand you proclaim "oh it's going to be one of those days..."

You get in the shower and slip nearly falling on your naked butt and then get shampoo in your eye and as tears of pain strean down your face you proclaim "oh it's going to be one of those days..."

You get dressed and you can't find both shoes, as you rush about the house searching you slam your toe into the leg of the coffee table stepping backwards to find with your bare feet that your puppy had an accident on the floor and you proclaim "oh it's going to be one of those days..."

After searching for the car keys for 10 minutes, scraping the ice off your windshield and running over your favorite lawn chair in the driveway you proclaim "oh it's going to be one of those days..."

Turning onto the street you are behind the garbage truck, then the school bus, then there is a car wreck on the freeway, while sitting in traffic you proclaim "oh it's going to be one of those days..."

You get to work, a half hour late, and your boss is coming down on the elevator as you are going up. You grab a cup of coffee and there is no creamer, your computer won't turn on and your printer is out of toner and you just realized you left your lunch money on the kitchen counter and you proclaim 'oh it's going to be one of those days..."

You proceed through your whole day as 'one of those days'...the snowball effect, each thing getting bigger, worse and gaining momentum. You feel like screaming "WHY ME?" when you don't realize you created everything when the first words out of your mouth in the morning were 'oh it's going to be one of those days...'

The Univese Says "Remember, thoughts are things so be careful the thoughts you choose as you create your own reality!"

Speaking of the Universe...


You are already there...

You are already there...

Time all happens at once and gives the illusion of being spanned across seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. Why? Because that is what our physical bodies are restricted to, time, in this physical realm of beings and bodies. In reality, our being is not limited by time or space and when it's broken down into physics; all time happens at once! The past, present and future are all going on concurrently every moment not broken into segments.

This helps you see 'the future'

You see, you are sure about what has happened in your past. You can speak about it confidently and surely as you have been there, you've experienced those moments. SO, if you become aware that your FUTURE has already happened too, you can be sure about what is there as you ARE already there - right? A slice of your being is already 'there' living. So envision yourself in your future life, and believe it, because it's true.

Hard to grasp?

Consider the idea of time travel. You could go 'back' to a moment in time and you'd recoginize yourself as you have already been there, right? Well it goes both ways. If you can go back in time, you can go forward in time too. Meaning you can visit yourself in the FUTURE. Now what would you see? If you did not like what you saw, what would you do in your present life to change it?

You create your reality!

That is right, you are the director in your own movie of life, you write the scenes as they happen so it's up to you to create the story as it unfolds. You CAN change your future by making it the way you want it to be. KNOW your future and you will create it just as you see the movie in your mind. Have an unwavering belief of what you want your future to be, and how can it possibly NOT happen? The Universe creates your thoughts!

The Universe Says... "You believe in the past because you know it was there, now believe in the future because it is as you create it..."

Ask. Believe. Receive

Speaking of The Universe...